Holidays and Reporting an Absence
Holidays in term time
You have to get permission from the head teacher if you want to take your child out of school during term time.
You can only do this if:
- you make an application to the head teacher in advance (as a parent the child normally lives with)
- there are exceptional circumstances
It is up to the head teacher how many days your child can be away from school if leave is granted. An application does not necessarily mean that permission will be granted.
You can be fined for taking your child on holiday during term time without the school’s permission.
If you wish to discuss attendance matters, you can contact Mrs Devine (Head Teacher) here.
Reporting an absence
If your child is ill, it is important that you notify the school office of your child's absence before the start of the school day. In the event that the phone lines are busy, you can leave a message stating your child's name, class and reason for absence. If you wish, you may let the class teacher know that your child will be absent, but you must always inform the school office in the first instance.
The following illness/conditions require specific incubation periods:
- Chicken pox - absent from school for five days from the onset of the rash
- Sickness and diarrhoea - absent from school for 48 hours
- Head lice - please inform the school should your child have head lice. Children can attend school once treatment has started.
- Conjunctivitis - drops should be purchased from pharmacy. No need to stay off school.
- Impetigo - can attend school 48 hours after antibiotics have been administered or until lesions have crusted over.
- Scarlett fever - can attend school 24 hours after antibiotics have been administered.