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This week our Steering Group have been to visit the Mayor of Gateshead. We learnt all about his role and regalia. We were even shown the council chamber, which was very exciting!

This weeks responsible citizen is Evie

Today we held democratic elections to vote for a new school motto. The winner was Rights, Respect and Resilience

Children in Need

This weeks responsible citizen is Oliver

Learning about Kumba and Anjal, children we are currently supporting in Sierra Leone and Nepal

This week William was our responsible citizen

Look at our new class charters!!

This week Katie was our responsible citizen

Wow - we have raised £857.97 for Bill Quay Farm! Thank you to everyone who has helped us!!

Our Rights Respect winner this week is John.  Well done for helping to make a new member of the class feel very welcome!! 

On Monday 13th June members of the RR group took part in Gateshead's Volunteers Week.  As part of the Children's Council we have decided to help tidy up our local park.  Armed with bin bags and litter lickers, we braved the rain to remove the litter in Bill Quay park. We even managed to have fun!! 


A councillor and a friend of Bill Quay park also chipped in.  Ian Patterson said "It was an excellent opportunity to keep the young active and engaged and take ownership of the park to keep it nice and clear" 





Litter pick

We have just found out we have passed the Level 2 award.  We are the first school in Gateshead to achieve, what fantastic news!! Well done to all of the staff and children!!
We want to make everyone aware that we are a Rights Respecting School.  On Friday our RR group visited Bellway homes to drop off some prospectus.  We had a great time, and even got to have a go in a digger!! 

Our sleepover story has made it into the Chronicle.  If you missed the story on Sunday you can follow the link below to read it on the Chronicle website.


Sleepover for the farm!! On Thursday night KS2 slept over at school to raise money for the farm. We had so much fun!!!



On the 23rd February the steering group went on a very important visit.  The children got up very early and travelled all the way to London.  We had a fantastic day!! We saw the National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, Downing Street, Houses of Parliament and the London Eye.  The children met with our local MP Stephen Hepburn, who showed us around the Houses of Parliament.  Stephen answered our questions.....and we had lots!!!  Our day ended with a trip to Pizza Express!!  Miss Webb and all the staff would like to say thank you to the children for a fantastic day, they were all brilliant!!

RECEPTION CLASS were talking about the rights we all have when we are at school & at home. When George took Rory home he told his Grandma that Rory was a Super Hero for keeping everyone happy, so his Grandma turned him into 'Rory the Super Hero Turtle!'

RECEPTION CLASS enjoy taking Rory home with them each day. Faye & her Grandma made him a brand new jumper!

RECEPTION CLASS love Rory the Rabbit so much they even celebrated his birthday!

RECEPTION CLASS enjoyed making a giant Rory the Rabbit while they were choosing their most important right.

Well done Emily! You have won our Rights Respecting Trophy this week (Article 17) You had some insightful ideas about the crisis in Syria

Steering group create child friendly policies

Celebrating 26 years of Rights


Recently, for the 26th anniversary of the UN convention, we hosted an event at the Baltic, Newcastle. We had 18 schools attend our event and over 100 children !


During the event, we were able to attend various stalls such as, Save the children, St Jonh's Ambulance and Northumbria police. They were all, very fun!


I thought the event was excellent, and completely enjoyed it!

We also got the chance to speak to the Gateshead MP. 

By Liam Helmersen year 6.

Check out the animation which was created during the Gateshead Rights Celebration! We think it is fantastic! Well done to everyone who took part!!

Park and Stride


What a success our park and stride was this yesterday morning!  Children from the Rights and Respects Steering Group and School Council greeted children at Bill Quay Cricket Club, and accompanied them to school.  Please remember that the park and stride is available every morning and evening.


Meet our new steering group - by Liam and Will

Well done to Harry.  You have won the RR trophy this week.


Well done to Kyle who is our Rights and Respecting achiever this week.  Kyle made sure everyone got a chance to contribute during group activities this week. Well done!

Celebrating 25 years of Rights!


On Thursday the Rights Respects Steering Group celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the UN convention, alongside a number of other schools from across Gateshead.  The children were able to speak to a number of organisations such as UNICEF and Save the Children.  The children from Bill Quay had a fantastic time, completing a range of activities, marching around the track at Gateshead Stadium and even releasing balloons.


The rest of our school also took part in the celebration by writing letters to the education minister, asking him to make sure all children were able to access their rights

This week our Rights Respect Award goes to Caitlin in Year 3 for listening carefully to the opinions of her friends. Well done Caitlin!!
Well done to Niamh in Year 5, who is this week’s Rights Respecting Award Winner for helping to keep her friends safe on the yard. Fantastic stuff Niamh!!!

Day for Change


During Day for Change the children took part in lots of exciting activities throughout the day, including making passports, crowns and a snake out of 2p coins on both of our yards. The children were able to work together right across the school and we were delighted with the  support and friendship given by our older pupils as they helped the younger ones.


The day was a huge success and raised vital funds for our African link school, ‘Hope and Kindness’ whilst giving our children the opportunity to learn about what life is like for children around the world.


Meet our new Steering group


Bill Quay Primary School are proud to introduce… Our new steering group. We are all very excited to be a part of it!  Well done to the children who were chosen, the lucky people are;


Year 1 – Megan and Thomas

Year 2 – Mia and George

Year 3 –  Ross and Abby

Year 4 – Matthew and Abbi

Year 5 – Daniel and Sophie

Year 6 – Caleb and Ara


Representing Reception class will be – Willow and Matthew

Bill Quay Primary School

Rights Respecting School Award



Our Journey So Far…


The school community was introduced to the convention in September 2012. Each class began the journey by creating class charters displaying rights relevant to the class, alongside responsibilities the children have to ensure every child has their right met. In September 2013, every class will create new charters and continue learning about the convention. The children have also thought about the rights of children in other countries, such as those affected by hunger, drought or flooding. The children have also found out about Fairtrade and the Red Cross, enabling them to become true Global Citizens.


Also this year, a Rights Respecting steering group has been formed to lead the Rights Respecting Work in the School. They have developed an ideas display in the small hall, organised a Rights Respecting Mascot competition and started to develop a Rights Respecting Vocabulary Book.


The Rights Respecting Award is woven through all aspects of the curriculum including: in PSHE lessons, as well as in History, RE, Geography and Literacy. For example, children in Year 6 took part in a debate about World Hunger modelled by the IF campaign and wrote persuasive letters to world leaders.


Monitoring by Steering Group members has also taken place through watching assemblies and observing lessons. Furthermore, in addition to the Steering Group, Mrs Charlton and Miss Webb have collected views and information from Focus Groups across the year and shared the information during Steering Group Meetings.
